
Scratch was our first programming unit and we learned the basic of what a computer can and cannot determine on its own so many of our projects would be easy problems in person but translating it to the computer was more difficult.


For this project, we created a program that can take any number and determine whether it is even or odd. Try for yourself and type in any number to test if it's even or odd.

Above is the final scratch project completed. It is a music video which is abstractly interpreted with a combination of 2 different song. Also for this project we had parenters unlike the most other ones.

This project can spell a word of your chioce backwards! However, we had to put a special limitation that if the word typed in is longer than 10 letters it won't run the code.

This project similar to the classic etch a sketch game. You can press on the arrow keys to move the bug around and the space bar clears the whole drawing and reset the bug to center.

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